If you’re anything like us, then you probably have an overflowing collection of old pallets just lying around. Many people feel a sense of dread when they see an old pallet sitting in their yard, but if you know what to do with it, then it can be your best friend.
This blog post will show you some creative and clever ways that you can make furniture from old pallets. You don’t need expensive machinery or a lot of skill to make something beautiful out of an old pallet.
Even if you don’t have any carpentry experience, as long as you understand the design principles behind making furniture from wood, then this blog post will help you learn how to make furniture from old pallets.

Plan your design before cutting the wood
Before you start cutting the wood, you need to decide how you want to use the pieces of wood. Many people make the mistake of cutting wood without any design in mind, but this is a really bad idea. You can’t control the way that wood turns out, so some pieces of wood might not even fit together when you are done. If you plan out your design before cutting the wood, then this won’t be an issue.
If you make your furniture without having a design in mind, then you can always change the design later on. When deciding what design you want to use, you need to think about the function of the furniture. If your furniture is going to be used in the kitchen, then you need to think about the practicality of the design. Will the design fit with the kitchen’s aesthetic? If your design doesn’t fit in with the rest of the kitchen, then it’s not going to be used as much.
Use a table saw to create precision cuts
Using a table saw to create precise cuts is essential for making pieces from old pallets. You can use a table saw to cut straight lines, create joints, and make angled cuts. There are a lot of tables saw alternatives on the market that cost less than $200, so you don’t need to spend a lot of money on this tool just to make pallet furniture.
However, you will need a table saw if your design requires precision cuts. When using a table saw to cut wood, you need to understand the saw’s limitations. A table saw can only create straight lines up to 90 degrees. If you need to make cuts that are angled, then you will need to use a mitre saw.

Use a router to create angled edges
If you have a router that’s suitable for making rounded edges, then you can use it to create an angled edge on your pallet furniture. There are a lot of different router edges that you can use to create an angled edge, so you can choose the one that works best for you. When creating an angled edge, you should keep in mind the thickness of your wood.
If you are using thicker wood, then you will need to make multiple passes with your router. If you are using thinner wood, then you don’t have to make multiple passes with your router. However, it may be difficult to create a completely smooth and even edge. If this is the case, you can use sandpaper to create a rough edge.
Use a planner to create curved edges
Cutting the wood and creating angled edges is great for creating both curved and curved edges with pallet wood. If you have access to a planer, then you can use it to create a smooth, curved edge. This is a great option if you want to create a curved edge to your furniture.
Using a planer is a little more complicated than using a circular saw, so you need to use it as a last resort. If you go too fast with the grain, then the wood will curl up, which means that you can’t use the planer for perfectly straight edges on your pallet furniture. However, if you slow down and keep the grain straight, then the planer is a great option for creating curved edges with pallet wood.

Final Words
Now that you know how to make pallet furniture, it’s time to show us what you’ve created! We’ve gathered together some of the most creative pallet projects on the internet and we want you to show us what you’ve come up with.
If you’ve made a pallet project, then be sure to share it with us on Instagram using the hashtag #PalletsForChange! We hope that you enjoy our blog post, and please feel free to leave any comments or questions that you may have below.